Cold Laser Therapy

Bern-Sabetha Veterinary Clinic is excited to offer clients Companion Laser Therapy. Laser therapy provides a non-invasive, pain-free, surgery-free, drug-free treatment which is used to treat a variety of conditions. It can be preformed in conjunction with existing treatments. Relief and/or improvement is often noticed within hours depending on the condition and health status of your pet. Whether your pet is rehabilitating from trauma or injury, healing from wounds, or simply aging, your companion can benefit from the innovative approach for treating pain.

Laser therapy can be used for:

  • Treatment for arthritis, degenerative joint disease, or hip dysplasia
  • General pain management (sprains and strains)
  • Post-surgery pain
  • Skin problems (hot spots, lick granulomas, infections)
  • Dental procedures
  • Fractures and wounds
  • Ear Infections

How does it work:

Laser therapy stimulates the body to heal from within. Non-thermal photons of light are administered to the body for about 3-8 minutes and are absorbed by the injured cells. The cells are then stimulated and respond with a higher rate of metabolism. This results in a relief from pain, increased circulation, reduced inflammation, and an acceleration of the healing process.

The amount of laser therapy needed will be determined by the veterinarian depending on your individual pet’s condition. If you would like more information or would like to make an appointment for your pet to receive laser therapy, we would be happy to help! Our goal is to improve your pet’s pain and increase healing in a very non-invasive way. For more information or to see if your pet would benefit from cold laser therapy call (785) 284-2103.



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